Friday, August 19, 2011

Recent Recognition

You may have noticed I have a new gadget along the right margin.  I was notified last month by someone from that I was on their list of Top 25 Water Conservation blogs.  I of course promptly added the link on the side but failed to acknowledge the honor in any way.  Noticing who some of the other blogs on the list were I was humbled and felt quite honored to be included.  So this is a shout-out to all those other blogs on the list and to the good folks at Seametrics for including me.

Assorted Property Rights for Sale

For some reason I was searching through a list of books on water marketing on Amazon the other day and an advertisement on the bottom of the page caught my eye.  It offered a forum for buying and selling water rights and listed a website:

So I clicked through to take a look.  Seems they offer just about every sort of interest in land there could be: easements, mineral rights, hunting/fishing rights, etc.  It must be fairly new because they are offering free sign-ups to list and bid on properties in order to build their traffic.

So I checked out their listing of water rights for sale.  Not real extensive at this point, but pretty good geographic diversity for what is there.

I'm kind of curious if anyone out there has any experience with this outfit or knows of the people behind it.  Anyone .... Bueller?  Chris Corbin?